
Hi-Pro® 2 - Hearing Aid Programming

Hi-Pro 2 is a universal hardware interface designed to program all kinds of hearing instruments.

Save time – The high-speed mode enables fitting modules to communicate with the hearing instrument faster than the Hi-Pro USB version.

Streamline the fitting process – Available as a space-saving stand-alone device or as an integrated part of the Aurical Aud audiometer.

Choose the industry standard.

Get started with Hi-Pro 2 today!

Service and support

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Are you looking for efficient hearing aid programming?


Streamline your fitting processes

Hi-Pro 2 gives you an easy way to streamline your fitting processes. Developed in collaboration with hearing aid manufacturers, Hi-Pro 2 is the latest in the Hi-Pro series – long recognized as the industry standard for hearing instrument programming. Hi-Pro 2 has a universal hardware interface to program all brands and types of hearing aids – making hearing instrument programming fast, easy and reliable.

Product Information


PC Interface:

Communication: USB 2.0 full speed (USB 1.1 compatible)

USB Connector Type: “Type B” connector (on the HI-PRO 2 unit)

Power Supply:

The Hi-Pro 2 unit is powered from the PC USB port

Operating systems:

Windows XP Pro SP3, Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)

Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit)

Windows 10

Resources and Support


Brochure, Flyers, Datasheet and more


Manuals and guides (eIFUs)

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