Introducing DataLink for RetCam Envision, an innovative cloud-based platform that manages pediatric ocular exam images and data. DataLink works in tandem with RetCam Envision to offer remote viewing, advanced interpretation, communication and reporting capabilities. Optimize your clinical workflow with this secure and convenient centralized solution.
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Advanced remote viewing when it works best for you and the patient
Experience a centralized web-based platform for accessing time-sensitive patient data and annotating images without delay. Easily enter diagnostic findings in the easy-to-use reporting template while report details are shared with the imaging facility’s electronic medical record (EMR) system. Extend your reach over the entire examination process.
Integrated data management within Google Cloud Platform
DataLink allows you to securely monitor imaging exams as they progress in the screening process. Captured images are transferred, viewed and stored securely with a completely manageable digital working environment. Simplify reports, select customized views and retrieve data when necessary. Experience seamless integration and standardized data exchange.
Integrate data management and provide sophisticated remote viewing capabilities all in one location without the need for patient transfer. The ophthalmologist is provided easy access to images for evaluation and reporting purposes. Your RetCam Envision will automatically receive exam information from a modality worklist – creating a simplified workflow. With DataLink, it is easy to transform the way you communicate patient care.
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