ICS® Impulse’s customizable software modules provide a complete sensory suite for faster diagnosis of dizzy patients. With comprehensive testing performed in a single device for mVNG and vHIT, you choose the modules that align with your clinical needs.
ICS Impulse with Otosuite® Vestibular software is the only device validated against the worldwide gold standard scleral search coil.
Start helping more patients with balance disorders today.
Free up limited resources and help shorten the patient journey with the ICS Impulse. ICS Impulse is an all-in-one solution for clinicians, providing better quality data for a more complete assessment. Comprised of six different modalities, efficiently assess patients with the following modules:
Track the patient’s head motion in free space with superior stability and response time. Receive accurate and timely feedback on the proper position for the patient’s head to the recommended 30-degree angle for increased testing accuracy.
Analyze horizontal, vertical and torsional eye movement, with separate purchase of the Torsional License key.
Eye position trace, eye video, SPV graph and head position feedback or room video all playback synchronously. The data can be played back at normal speed or in slow motion. Review the entire data collection or start from where the cursor is set.
The eye video and real-time SPV can be displayed on an external monitor. This provides the ability to see the patient’s response from multiple locations in the room.
A superior SPV algorithm identifies nystagmus beats, even if the nystagmus is weak. Eye position is automatically analyzed and displayed on the same screen.
Real-time SPV provides an indication of the robustness of the patient’s nystagmus. The value is displayed on a computer as well as an external monitor.
Greater intuitive software interface
On-screen video tutorials guide the user through each of the test protocols, providing additional verification during the assessment process. An intuitive, guided workflow supports testing consistency, potentially reducing the need for retesting.
Designed by an expert usability engineer, the guided tutorial interface makes it possible for any trained clinician or technician to efficiently perform vestibular testing by reinforcing testing parameters. These animated video prompts help increase clinician confidence in testing procedures without the need for retesting.
Greater precision – faster diagnosis
Introducing a simple way to help balance patients. Easy-to-use and transport, the newly-released monocular Videonystagmography (mVNG) solution gives you the possibility to test and shorten the patient journey with more accurate referrals. The caloric module makes ICS Impulse capable of all the basic tests you need for triaging balance patients in one simple device. With customized testing, you will experience greater precision and a faster diagnosis. Bring balance to the point of care and start helping more vestibular patients today.
Maintain balance for your dizzy patients
The ICS Impulse Oculomotor and Positional modules allow you to measure all dimensions of eye movement – horizontal, vertical and torsional, providing a more accurate diagnosis of vestibular patients.
Accurate measurements of torsional eye movement improve diagnostic accuracy
The addition of Head Shake and Fistula (Valsalva) tests adds supporting data to the evaluation of suspected unilateral deficits and/or third window dysfunction.
Test Protocols:
Diagnosing a vestibular disorder is challenging for the clinician and often fatiguing for the patient. The addition of the Headshake and Valsalva tests allows additional clinical data points to be collected on unilateral deficits and a new option for third window dysfunctions. This increased functionality for the user allows the clinician to be confident in their diagnosis and more patient-focused.
A video frenzel solution that gives you an easier way to collect data
The ICS Impulse monocular video frenzel solution records eye movement with vision or vision-denied, eliminating the need for fixation. Simply connect the goggles via USB. The room video records in grayscale or color.
In addition, the lightweight video frenzel goggle enables the clinician to monitor elapsed time with a recording indicator, so you can easily start and stop the recording with a presentation remote control.
Simultaneously display the eye video on the computer and a separate external monitor, giving you more choices when sharing information with your patient.
Test Protocols:
Review, share and report data efficiently
With the video frenzel module, you have the ability to play back eye and room recordings synchronously in both normal speed and slow motion. Identify which video contains what information at a glance.
The video head impulse test(vHIT) detects disorders of the vestibulo-ocular reflex and identifies which ear is affected in cases of peripheral vestibular loss. Drs. Halmagyi and Curthoys are the industry pioneers who first identified and described the head impulse test in the 1988 article, “A Clinical Sign of Canal Paresis.”
Patients with a vestibular loss will exhibit a corrective saccadic eye movement (a “catch-up” saccade) either during or after the head impulse and the gain of the head compared to the eye will not be equivalent. The head impulse test provides quick, precise information about the vestibulo-ocular reflex to stimuli in the high-frequency range.
Test Protocols:
A vHIT system that enables you to assess all six semi-circular canals
The ICS Impulse vHIT system has been validated against the gold standard scleral search coils and approved by Drs. Halmagyi and Curthoys.
ICS Impulse has the lightest goggles in the industry, ensuring patient comfort. Sophisticated cameras enable the use of smaller velocity head impulses of only 15 to 20 degrees, making the test more pleasant for the patient.
This device detects more abnormalities than visual observation and reduces false negatives. And because results are known immediately, treatment can begin much sooner.
Assess and treat patients with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) using ICS Impulse. With head position feedback and real-time slow phase velocity (SPV) analysis, positional testing and repositioning maneuvers are performed with greater accuracy.
aVOR – Free app for iPad and iPhone.
Diagnostic Confidence: Combining Otosuite Vestibular and aVOR – an excellent tool for assisting in the diagnostic assessment of vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) disorders and BPPV. Available for download on the App Store.
More than video goggles - perform positional tests and accurate analysis with ICS Impulse
The ICS Impulse Positional module allows for the use of an external monitor from which you can view the eye video and real-time SPV so you can see the patient’s response from multiple locations in the room.
The superior SPV algorithm was developed by vestibular experts to ensure that all nystagmus beats are identified. Analysis of the horizontal and vertical traces are automatically analyzed and displayed on the same screen.
Eye position trace, eye video, SPV graph, head position feedback, or room video all playback synchronously – at normal speed or slow motion. Play back the entire data collection or start from where the cursor is set, allowing you to review all data collection components.
Test Protocols:
The ICS Impulse Oculomotor test module provides simple and quick tests that assist in determining if your patient has a vestibular disorder that is central, peripheral or both.
With innovative goggles and an advanced test battery, the determination of the presence of a central pathology is available at the bedside or in the clinic.
The Oculomotor module from ICS Impulse delivers the oculomotor tests you need to determine central and peripheral disorders.
The Oculomotor test module delivers superior playback functionality. Playback eye position or velocity trace, head velocity trace, eye video, SPV graph, head position feedback or room video synchronously.
Test Protocols:
The ICS Impulse Oculomotor test module for easy analysis
A Caloric test module and one goggle give you everything you need
The ICS Impulse Caloric test module delivers everything you need to understand lateral semicircular canal function for thorough balance assessment.
Pair the ICS Aircal air caloric irrigator with the innovative ICS Impulse mVNG goggles and a complete caloric test battery, and you can determine the degree to which the vestibular system is responsive and how symmetric the responses are between the left and right ears.
Test Protocols:
Natus has introduced a new way for clinicians to raise their standard of care without raising concerns about the budget. FlexSelect is our bundled subscription program that gives you access to industry-leading equipment and solutions to help increase your bottom line. The program combines hardware, software, education and service for manageable quarterly payments to help fully support customers.
Product Information
Face Cushion Configurations
Designed for use with the ICS Impulse goggle to ensure proper fit, the disposable face cushions help prevent slippage during testing. Goggle slippage often results in inaccurate gain values. These single-use face cushions are comfortable for the patient and promote accurate data collection.
Vision Denied Kit Configurations
Test in complete darkness with the proprietary vision-denied solution, designed specifically for the ICS Impulse. The camera provides clear images of the eye in complete darkness for more accurate measurements without fixation.
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